воскресенье, 16 сентября 2012 г.

TODAY New Haven: Health Department flu clinic, [Derived Headline] - New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

TODAY New Haven: Health Department flu clinic, 54 Meadow St., 10a.m.-12:30 p.m., $30, Medicare B recipients do not pay; no residencyrequirements. Information: 946-6999.

Milford: Adam Sattig Council 35, RAM, meets, Masonic Lodge Hall,59 Broad St., 7:30 p.m. Information: 877-4977.


Wallingford: Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission meets,Town Hall, Robert Early Auditorium, 45 S. Main St., 7 p.m.Information: 294-2093.

Stratford: 12:30 p.m., Baldwin Senior Center, free Lunch andLearn program on strokes, presented by Catherine Wright,neurovascular coordinator at Bridgeport Hospital. Bring bag lunch,coffee, dessert provided.

Hamden: Greater New Haven chapter of Mothers & More open house,10 a.m. at DeNicola Park on Treadwell Street. Visitors welcome. Thegroup offers play groups, mom's night out, book club, latte ladies,moms and tots activities. E-mail: mothersandmoregnh@hotmail.com.

West Haven: college and career fair, West Haven High School, 1McDonough Plaza, 6-8:30 p.m., seniors and parents in schoolcafeteria, 6 p.m.; juniors and parents in school gym, 7 p.m.

West Haven: Lodge 2832 Sons and Daughters of Italy in Americameets in Police Department community room, 7:30 p.m. Information:934-8114.

New Haven: free vision screening, Atwater Senior Center, 26Atwater St., 10 a.m.-noon, donations accepted. Registration: 789-3565.

Rocky Hill: free workshop on adoption for Connecticut families,Lutheran Social Services of New England, 2139 Silas Deane Highway,Suite 201, 7-9 p.m. Call to reserve: (800) 286-9889.

Hamden: New Haven Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Iota Sority meets,Stone Academy, 1315 Dixwell Ave., 7:15 p.m.


Guilford: International Adoption Support Group meets, 6:30-8p.m., Women & Family Life Center Carriage House, 96 Fair St.Refreshments, baby-sitting provided. Call A Wish for Children at 458-6009 or WFLC at 458-6699 or visit awishforchildren.org andwomenandfamilylifecenter.org.

Shelton: fund-raiser presentation by ghost hunter and psychicresearcher Lorraine Warren, Shelton High School auditorium, 120Meadow St., 7 p.m., tickets $12, at door beginning at 6 p.m.Proceeds for the Swim Team. Information: 926-0548.

Wallingford: Housatonic Fly Fishermen's Association meets at 7:30p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 65 N. Main St., next to ArchieMoore's Restaurant. Call 484-2262.


Killingworth: rummage, bake sale at United Church of Christ, 273Route 81, 5:30 to 8 p.m. Call the church office at (860)663-1789 orvisit www.killingworthchurch.org.

Milford: Ansantawae Masonic Lodge 89 meets, Masonic Hall, 59Broad St., 7:45 p.m. Information: 877-4977.

Madison: Shoreline Men Over 60 meets in Angela Hubley hall of theFirst Congregational Church on the Green. Lunch at noon, legislativereport. Meal is $10. Reserve today; call Bob Roxbrough at 421-3004or e-mail to mbroxy@msn.com.


Killingworth: rummage, bake sale, United Church of Christ, 273Route 81, 9 a.m. to noon. Call church office at (860)663-1789 orvisit www.killingworthchurch.org.

Ansonia: Assumption Home/School Association Oktoberfest, churchgrounds, 61 N. Cliff St., 1-8 p.m., rain or shine, German food,beer, wine and music by Gunther. Call 734-1092.

Ansonia: Harvest Festival, Main Street, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.Information: 736-5900.

Meriden: Respect Life Conference, Holy Angels Parish Center, 9a.m.-3 p.m., workshops, lectures, discussion, $10 includes food.Informtion: 235-3822, fax: 630-3041 or hangels@snet.net.

Wallingford: 'Dozynki,' fall harvest dance celebration of music,Polish tradition and hospitality, Polish National Alliance Park,North Plains Highway, 7:30-11:30 p.m.,music by Eddie Biegaj andCrusade, BYOB, snacks, coffee and tea served. Cost $15. Call 269-4617.

West Haven: West Haven Italian-American Civic AssociationAuxiliary Columbus Day Weekend Fantasy dinner dance, club hall, 85Chase Lane, 6:30 p.m. full dinner, 8-11:30 p.m. dancing to music byVinnie Carr, open bar $30. Reservations: 934-2361.

New Haven: Sons of Italy New Haven Lodge New Haven: 'Prisoners inParadise,' documentary on lives of Italian prisoners of war in theUnited States, New Haven Free Public Library, 133 Elm St., 2 p.m.Information: 946-7431 or www.nhbulletin.blogspot.com.