WEST HAVEN -- The Department of Health is offering a free 'Lead-Safe Work Practices' course from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday at CityHall, 355 Main St. Breakfast and lunch are included. Sally Odle ofSafe Homes Inc., who has trained more than 1,000 people statewide inthe field, will be the teacher. The course trains painters,contractors and property owners on doing work in ways that lessenthe possibility of lead poisoning, said Robert Jase, thedepartment's childhood lead-poisoning prevention coordinator.Participants will learn the federal and state laws on lead-basedpaint, techniques to avoid creating lead hazards, tools for lead-safe work and the health effects of lead exposure.
The course is sponsored by the Lead Action for Medicaid PrimaryPrevention program. It meets the requirements of the U.S. Departmentof Housing and Urban Development for training in lead-safe practicesfor work on HUD-funded projects.
Those who complete the course will receive a certification inlead-safe work practices.
To register, call the Health Department at 937-3660 or the LAMPPoffice at 860-545-9564.