пятница, 28 сентября 2012 г.


Gov. M. Jodi Rell, R-Conn., issued the following press release:

Governor M. Jodi Rell today directed the Department of Public Health to work with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court's newly designated patient care monitor and to offer full assistance to him regarding the court's examination of the Haven Healthcare nursing home chain in Connecticut.

Governor Rell said the State of Connecticut would fully support the court-appointed monitor, the bankruptcy court and federal investigative authorities to ensure that nursing home residents receive high-quality care and that the integrity of public funding is protected.

'From the outset, I have emphasized that protecting the health and safety of nursing home residents is the first priority in state government's role,' the Governor said. 'I welcome the appointment of the special care consultant by the Bankruptcy Court.'

On Monday, the Departments of Public Health and Social Services reported to the Governor on patient care and financial issues at Haven Healthcare. The public health department, responsible for nursing facility licensing and care standards, gave high marks to the bankruptcy court for its action in appointing the monitor.

'The department supports the designation by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court of an expert consultant to oversee the clinical operations of all Haven Health Facilities,' wrote DPH Commissioner Dr. J. Robert Galvin in the report. 'The department concurs that an independent authority is a prudent step to ensure quality and continuity of care.'

Governor Rell directed Commissioner Galvin to contact the court-appointed monitor, Brent Martin, managing partner of Healthcare MCR consulting of Cleveland, Ohio. The commissioner noted, 'DPH is reaching out to Mr. Martin today to offer our assistance, as we have important information to share based on our intense monitoring of Haven facilities. Even with this authority in place, DPH will continue to take all measures necessary to ensure patient care quality at Haven Healthcare facilities, including implementing additional regulatory remedies permitted under Connecticut state law.'

In addition, the independent state Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Nancy Shaffer, will be consulting with Martin.

In their nine-page report to the Governor with Social Services Commissioner Michael P. Starkowski, Commissioner Galvin also noted that his agency has:

* placed of daily monitors in seven of the 15 Haven nursing homes;

* issued a summary order on November 20, 2007, prohibiting admissions to the Haven facility in Waterford;

* revisited all 15 Haven facilities;

* reported that all 15 facilities have the required administrator, director of nursing, infection control nurse and assessment and care plan coordinator, as required by law; and

* reported that frequent inspections will continue to ensure the health and safety of Haven residents.

'No significant patient care issues have been identified during the current round of inspections,' Commissioner Galvin said.

The report to the Governor also recounted the Department of Social Services' financial investigation leading up to a determination that the statutory threshold for receivership proceedings could be met. In a memorandum attached to the report, DSS auditors concluded that Haven did not have the financial viability to continue as a going concern. However, Haven's sudden filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection before Thanksgiving, with the consequent oversight by the Bankruptcy Court supersedes receivership as an option at this time, according to legal review.Contact: Chris Cooper, 860/524-7313, Christopher.Cooper@ct.gov.

Chris Cooper, 860/524-7313, Christopher.Cooper@ct.gov.