Joyce Rae
Our Angel Sister
DRAPER- Joyce Rae Peterson, 74, died June 25, 2009
Born May 4, 1935 in Boulder City, Nevada to Ray Leander and JuneB. Peterson, Joyce came to earth with special blessings and manychallenges to overcome. In spite of all her difficulties she facedeach obstacle with faith and courage. Joyce was nick-named 'SunShine' because of her shining personality and angelic smile. Joycehad many pets who became her special friends. She loved to doEmbroidery, solve puzzles, read and study the scriptures.
Survived by siblings: Meriam, Rex, Barbara and Boos. Preceded indeath by: her parents and her brother Don.
During her life Joyce has been served by many agencies,facilities, organizations and social services: American ForkTraining School, Future Through Choices, Heritage Senior Center, TheShare Program, Easter Seals, United Cerebral Palsy, Danville,Majestic Care Center, The Stratford Extended Care Facility as wellas local hospitals. Heartfelt thanks for the loving care given bythe staff members of these various facilities.
Additional gratitude goes to Haven Home Health and Hospice withmany people who served Joyce until she graduated from this world. Tothe dear friends who have added to her life: Ethyl, Margie, LaDawn,Gene, Alice, Moe, Shelly, Holly, Melanie, Curtis, Shirlene andMarvell we express deepest appreciation.
Funeral services will be held Thursday, July 2, 2009, 2:00 Larkin Sunset Gardens 1950 East 10600 South Sandy, Utah. Aviewing will be held one hour prior to services. Interment, LarkinSunset Gardens. Condolences at www. Donations maybe given to Primary Children's Hospital.