Ross J. Harrison 1926 ~ 2005 SALT LAKE CITY/ PRICE- Ross J.Harrison, age 78, our beloved father, grandfather, brother and uncle,passed away peacefully March 30, 2005 in Salt Lake City, at the homeof his daughter. He was born Oct. 21, 1926 in Price to James Alfredand Conda Nielson Harrison. He attended Carbon High School andgraduated in 1944. He attended and played basketball at CarbonCollege prior to enlisting in the Army Air Corps during World War II.He married Betty Kennick May 22, 1946 and cherished their 36 yearstogether until her death in 1982. Their marriage was later solemnizedin the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Ross truly loved his three children,seven grandchildren and five great- grandchildren and numerous niecesand nephews. Ross later worked for Nabisco in Salt Lake City where hewas an accomplished salesman. While in Salt Lake he became anexceptional Little League coach, winning the championship for threeconsecutive years. He later returned to Carbon County as GeneralManager of the Country Club, reuniting with his many family andfriends, whom he dearly loved. He will be remembered for his quickwit and sense of humor. He instilled a sense of honesty and integrityin his family and all those with whom he associated. He is survivedby his three children: Scott and Jeanne Harrison of Orem, MichaelHarrison, and Diane and Steve Taylor, all of Salt Lake City, sevengrandchildren: Brent and Priscilla Harrison, Blake and Amy Harrison,McKenzie and Greg Deakins, Devin Harrison, Jennifer Harrison, MichaelHarrison, Megan Harrison and five great-grandchildren. Also survivedby brothers: Lloyd and Bonita Harrison of Price and Kent L. Harrisonof Provo, long-time companion Hazel Davidson and her family: Jim, Pamand Sam. Graveside services will be held Sat., April 2, 2005 at 2:00p.m. in the Price City Cemetery. Friends and family may call atFausett Mortuary in Price (680 E. 100 So.) from 12:30 to 1:30 priorto services. The family would like to thank the Veteran's Hospitaland CareSource Hospice for their fine and dignified care of ourbeloved Dad and a special thanks to Melissa (his health care aid) ofHaven Home Health. In lieu of flowers and because of Dad's love ofchildren, Ross suggested donations be made to Shriner's Hospital inhis name. The family would like to invite friends and family to jointhem in remembering Ross at a luncheon held at the Carbon CountyCountry Club following the graveside services.