воскресенье, 16 сентября 2012 г.

TODAY New Haven: Health Department flu clinics, [Derived Headline] - New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

TODAY New Haven: Health Department flu clinics, 54 Meadow St., 10a.m.-12:30 p.m.; and Casa Otonel, 135 Sylvan Ave., 1:30-2:30 p.m.,$30, Medicare B recipients do not pay; no residency requirements.Information: 946-6999.

Milford: Royal Arch Masons 49, Milford Chapter meets, MasonicLodge Hall, 7:30 p.m. Information: 877-4977.

Shelton: Shelton Reading Circle meets, Huntington Library, 41Church St., 7 p.m. Call 925-1803.

Hamden: Southern Connecticut Ancestry Network meets, MillerSenior Center, 2901 Dixwell Ave., 7 p.m. Call 248-6643.


New Haven: forum, 'Sputnik: A Part of Southern and WorldHistory,' 12:45 to 2 p.m. in Room A120, Engleman Hall, SouthernConnecticut State University. Recollections, discussion on impactupon United States and Soviet Union. Park in Lot 9 along FarnhamAvenue. Contact Joe Musante, SCSU assistant director of publicaffairs, at 392-5073 or musantej1@southernct.edu.

New Haven: Surviving Suicide, support group for those who lostsomeone to suicide, meets 7-9 p.m., Mary Wade Home, Clinton Avenue.Call Barbara Melotto at 865-4214.

Ansonia: Reunion Committee of Ansonia High School class of 1952meets to plan reunion, Ansonia High School, 7 p.m. Information: 735-5513 or fbars125@sbcglobal.net.

Stratford: Friends of Square One Theatre Company meeting, 7:30p.m. at the Stratford Public Library, 2203 Main St. Visitwww.squareonetheatre.org.

Orange: Wepawaug Shrine Club dinner meeting, Chip's Restaurant,Boston Post Road, 6:30 p.m. Information: 877-4977.

West Haven: New Haven West Life Member Club Telecompioneersbusiness luncheon meeting, Biagetti's Restaurant, 77 Campbell Ave.,11:30 a.m.

Old Saybrook: Paul Licata of Goldcoast Pulmonary and SleepAssociates discusses sleep deprivation, snoring as a symptom ofapnea or other disorders, daytime sleepiness and tips for a betternight's sleep, 6:30-8 p.m., Estuary Council Senior Center, 220 MainSt. Call (860) 388-5159 to register.

Ansonia: monthly meeting of Friends of the Ansonia Nature Center,7 p.m., new members welcome.

New Haven: free talk on 'The Patient's Guide to Living withAdvanced Breast Cancer,' Yale-New Haven Hospital's East Pavilioncafeteria. Supper at 6 p.m., lecture is at 6:30 p.m. Call 688-2000to reserve and for directions to Air Rights Garage. Validatedparking is available.

Branford: VNA Community HealthCare flu and pneumonia clinic,Gardenside, 173 Alps Road, 9:30-11:30 p.m., Medicare, some healthplans accepted, $35 and $49. Information: 458-5920.

New Haven: 'Sound of Hope,' commemorates victims and survivors ofdomestic violence, Long Wharf pier, noon-1 p.m., speakers includestate Rep. Toni E. Walker, D-New Haven, state Rep. Deborah Heinrich,D-Madison, and survivors. Call 865-1957.

Derby: karaoke night at Derby Neck Library, 307 Hawthorne Ave., 6-7:30 p.m., ages 12 and older. Refreshments. Call 734-1492.


Hamden: Hamden Commission for Disabilities and Opportunitiesmeets at Miller Memorial Library, second-floor meeting room, 7 p.m.

Branford: Branford Veterans Parade Committee meets in preparationfor Veterans Day observances, 7 p.m., at WWII Memorial Building.

New Haven: Health Department flu clinics, East Shore SeniorCenter, 411 Townsend Ave., 10-11 a.m.; and Atwater Senior Center, 26Atwater St., noon-1 p.m. $30, Medicare B recipients do not pay; noresidency requirements. Information: 946-6999.

Milford: Lucia Chapter 25, OES, meets, Masonic Lodge hall, 59Broad St., 7:30 p.m. Call 877-4977.

Shelton: 'The Magic of Old Time Radio,' illustrated presentationby John Babina, White Hills Baptist Church, School Street, 7:30 p.m.Call 929-1522.

Woodbridge: 2:30 p.m., lecture by William E. Haley, on'Interventions for Family Caregivers: Do They Make a Difference?' atJewish Community Center of Greater New Haven, 360 Amity Road, $10.Sponsored by Consultation Center and the Aging Services Division,state Department of Social Services. Call 789-7645.

Bridgeport: Greater Bridgeport Retired Teachers' Associationmeets, Testo's Restaurant, 1775 Madison Ave., 10:45 a.m. Call 268-8023 or 373-6425.

Westbrook: VNA Community HealthCare flu and pneumonia shots,Ambleside Family & Elderly Living, Community Building, 1784 BostonPost Road, 9-11 a.m., Medicare and some health plans accepted, $35and $49. Information: 458-5920.

Fairfield: Happiness Club 1080 Old Post Road, 7-9 p.m.,Information: 258-7777 or www.happinessclub.com.

Milford: seminar on the Alzheimer's Association Safe ReturnProgram, Milford Senior Center, 9 Jepson Drive, 1:30-3:30 and 4-6p.m., refreshments. Information: 877-5131.


New Haven: New Haven Woman's Club annual membership luncheon,12:30 p.m., at Sage restaurant. Soloist is Francesca Riggio Scarpa,creator of The Youth Connection and Center Stage on Center Street.Club members bring items for 'The Look Your Best Basket' for cancerpatients. To attend, call 288-8753.

West Haven: 7 p.m., candlelight vigil in honor of National BreastCancer Awareness Month, presented by the Breast Cancer AwarenessCommittee. To honor a loved one or survivor, call organizers. Thecommittee will recite the names and inscribe them on a luminary.Call Beth A. Sabo at 937-3588, Jennifer Cavallaro at 937-3619, SusanSee at 937-3914 or Charlene Morgal at 937-3586.

Durham: Durham Cogin-Chuggers Square Dance Club pie night atBrewster School, Tuttle Road, 8 to 10:30 p.m., $6. Call 235-1604.

West Haven: book sale, West Haven Public Library, 300 Elm St., 9a.m.-4 p.m., Connie Sacco Meeting Room, donations of good used booksneeded. Information: 937-4233.


New Haven: Red Cross blood drive, sponsored by the Red Knightsand their families in honor of Alicia Chadderton, daughter of afirefighter, who received 17 units of blood during surgery in April.Blood drive at New Haven Fire Academy, 230 Ella T. Grasso Blvd., 9a.m. -1:15 p.m. For appointment, contact Cindy Vincent at 468-9381or clv819@sbcglobal.net or Karen Laudano at 435-5131 orklaudano@comcast.net or www.givelife.org (sponsor code nhfa).

East Haven: Greater New Haven Cat Project 'Feral FelineFestival,' Foxon Volunteer Fire House, 1420 N. High St., Route 80, 7p.m.-midnight, $20, BYOB, snacks, coffee and dessert served; doorprizes, raffle and dance contest. Proceeds fund the spay-neuterprogram. Information: www.gnhcp.org or call 782-CATS.

Ansonia: Reiki 2 certification class, fee, Ansonia Library, 53 S.Cliff St., 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Registration: 915-7835.

Ansonia: marathon bingo sponsored by St. Joseph's Church, held atWarsaw Park Pavilion, Pulaski Highway, Route 243, doors open 8:30a.m., games start 10, $15 packet, $1 per sheet, lunch $3. Call 735-6736 or 734-9156.

North Haven: Janet Halsted, who practices wicca, speaks onparanormal and wicca at Connecticut Chapter of Romance Writers ofAmerica meeting at Holiday Inn. Meeting is 11 a.m., speaker at noon.Contact Susan Rowley at (860) 460-1861 or at suzie7rowley@yahoo.com.

North Branford: Agway 'Fall Country Day,' 11 Whitewood Lane,Route 80, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Call 483-9444, ext. 124.

Hamden: Miller Association of Seniors tag sale to benefitPartnerships Center for Adult Day Care, Miller Senior Center, 2901Dixwell Ave., 9 a.m.-noon. Donations accepted. Information: 248-8854.

West Haven: Knights of Columbus Council ziti and meatball fund-raiser dinner, St. John Vianney Church Hall, 300 Captain ThomasBlvd., 5-6:30 p.m., $8 adults, free for children under age 10.Information: 934-1762 or 937-0014.

North Haven: Stevens Woods Elderly Housing indoor tag sale, 165Clintonville Road, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., baked goods, refreshments.Information: 239-6229.

Southington: open house, Briarwood College, 2279 Mount VernonRoad, 10 a.m., tours, programs, information on financial aid. Call(860) 628-4751, ext. 120 or (800) 952-2444.