A lot is new at Parkwood Behavioral Health System, the OliveBranch hospital providing psychiatric care and substance abusetreatment in a 30-county market.
The carpet is gone, replaced by hardwood flooring. Security hasbeen upgraded. Ceiling tiles have been replaced. The paint is new.The furniture is new.
The chief executive officer is new.
Ken House, overseeing a $1 million renovation, joined the staffin May. The former psychotherapist who grew up in Jonesboro, Ark.,attributes his interest in social work to watching his father.
'My dad was a pastor,' said House, 54. 'I think I chose my fieldfrom just my upbringing, seeing him help people and beingcompassionate toward people.'
House was a regional vice president at another psychiatrichospital facility when he learned of the job at Parkwood, whichprovides residential and outpatient care. He said he saw it as anopportunity to expand his sphere of influence .
Parkwood is the largest freestanding hospital of its kind inMississippi. In 2010, the 128-bed hospital tucked beside City Parkon old Goodman Road admitted 2,300 people, and its outpatientprogram served 3,000 .
Its parent company, Universal Health Services, is one of thelargest psychiatric hospital organizations in the country with 225facilities.
House recently spoke to the Olive Branch Chamber of Commerceabout the economic impact of the hospital, which opened in 1987 with60 beds. Only 3,200 people called the city home then. Today, morethan 32,000 do.
'You've come a long way, and we've come a long way with you,'House said.
According to data House presented, the 115 hospitals inMississippi generate $95 billion in total economic impact to theircommunities. Hospitals also provide a secure spot for employment:Jobs stay with the patients.
James Lunsford, chamber president, said the community is 'withouta doubt' fortunate to have the services of Parkwood in the city.
Mayor Sam Rikard said of the hospital: 'Parkwood has been animportant part of our community for years. They provide jobs andneeded services.'
Parkwood, with more than 260 employees, is available to anyonewith any psychiatric problem.
The deadly shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona,has renewed debate about the treatment of mentally ill and disturbedindividuals.
House considers mental illness a medical condition, as does thelaw. No one can be treated against their will at Parkwood unless acourt process orders it.
'There are people walking around who are mentally ill, but thereare also ones with heart disease,' House said. 'You can't violatesomeone's rights because they have a disease until they commit acrime.'
Parkwood is more likely to treat people who will not be makingthe nightly news. Services include treatment for anxiety, depressionand substance abuse.
'We treat all mental disorders,' House said, 'a full continuum ofcare.'