The city of Horn Lake's Latimer Lakes Park was recognized as theJuly Health Champion for its efforts in providing safe places forchildren and families to play, making Horn Lake a healthiercommunity.
The recognition comes from the DeSoto County Community HealthCouncil, a component of Get A Life!, the Community Foundation ofNorthwest Mississippi's initiative to prevent childhood obesity.
'It is an honor to accept this award for the city of Horn Lake,'said Mayor Nat Baker. 'Latimer Lakes Park exemplifies what Horn Lakeis doing in offering a first-rate park with walking trails, skateboarding, tennis, disc golf, fishing and all forms of sportsleagues. This park gives all citizens the opportunity to come outand enjoy nature while becoming physically fit.'
Latimer Lakes Park is one of the premier parks in DeSoto Countyand, along with the other 15 parks throughout the city, offersbaseball, football, men's softball, coed softball, basketball,cheerleading, 20-hole disc golf, walking trails (including a 2.5-mile handicap-accessible trail in Latimer Lakes Park), three fishinglakes, tennis, skateboard park, multiple playgrounds, picnic areasand pavilions.
Horn Lake is also home to the first leg of the DeSoto CountyGreenways.
For the fifth year, Latimer Lakes Park will host the Autumn inthe Park Fall Festival in October. Families come together for anight of fun with the annual Fright Fest, and the city will help thecounty celebrate DeSoto County Family Health and Fitness Day Sept.25 .
'It is a great honor to present the city of Horn Lake and LatimerLakes Park the July Health Champion recognition,' said Jim Robinson,chairman of the Community Health Council. 'Latimer Lakes Park is anoutstanding asset for children and families in the Horn Lakecommunity to be involved and stay healthy with the many activitiesfor everyone in the community to develop a healthy lifestyle.'
A Health Champion is recognized each month by the CommunityHealth Council. It can be an individual, family, groups,organization, business, church or school. To submit a nominee, e-mail nomination including contact information to orcall (662) 449-5002.
Peggy Linton is community development director for the CommunityFoundation of Northwest Mississippi and a member of the DeSotoCounty Community Health Council.